With the holidays fast-approaching, SantaKnight has his work cut out for him, hopping around the chessboard from square to square in the only way he knows how. If he visits each square once (and only once!), tracking each step along the way, perhaps he’ll uncover a clue to lead him to a single-word answer.
(And perhaps the first person to use that single-word answer as a promo code will get $15 off their next game or gift card at Amaze Escape!)
Need a hint? See below.

Start your path where the arrow is pointing. Be sure to keep track of each letter you pass!
There is only one path that will allow SantaKnight to touch each square once and only once. And consider the suggestion from mathematician H.C. von Warnsdorff in 1823 when looking at similar puzzles: Always move the knight to a square from which it will have the fewest available subsequent moves.
In the case of this puzzle, that is usually towards the edges.